

亞邦創意公司(Art Barn Corporation, Limited)創辦人黃師傅在時尚產業界所積累的數十年開發經歷,從小工匠到專業的精品金屬配飾生產集團,鑄就了今日的亞邦創意。

With several decades of endeavor in fashion industry, our creator Master Huang has made his small workshop become a professional manufacturing group for fine fashion metal accessories then to Art Barn Corporation, Limited.

有鑑於過往有許多美好的設計、因自主性不足而無法付諸實現,以及長久以來想為這片土地創造屬於自己的未來,在多年苦心醞釀之下而創立了亞邦創意:一個結合時尚(Fashion)與生活型態(Life Style)的品牌平台。

The reason why Master Huang wanted to establish Art Barn was simple to understand. Through many years of experiences in the OEM field, he realized manufacturing couldn’t have any control power on the creation of design. As well, he never forgot his original plan for the land where he deeply loved. So, after so many years of endeavor he made to create a brand platform Art Barn that combines with the elements of lifestyle and fashion. And the story still goes on…

ABC Limited, No Limit.

Service 服務項目
·         代理行銷進口時尚品牌
·         推廣台灣原創時尚品牌
·         協助自由設計師自創品牌
·         ABC 線上精品商城
·         專業精品實體通路

Current business lines include:
l   Imported fashion brand marketing
l   Original Taiwan design brand marketing
l   Freelance designer brand marketing
l   Art Barn online fine design mall
l   Professional choice product store



亞邦創意(Art Barn)自設立以來,一直以成為一個匯集時尚潮流、融合東西時尚文化與分享美好生活型態的時尚平台為目標。


Our mission

Since our establishment, we target ourselves as a happiness sharing platform brand to provide our customers with the feel of good lifestyle, cultural fusion, and fashion trends.

We believe fashion is an attitude, one fine piece of product does make people happy. Sincerely, we expect our customers to be happy with our products and we will always keep on discovering nice stuff and designs for everyone to enjoy. So stay tuned with us!